Fast Realm x2
Mbretëria e shpejtë ndjek rregullat dhe mekanikën e lojës së IO II \"Koha e Pushtimeve\", por shpejtësia e lojë shumëzohet me x2, që do të thotë se zhvillimi i llogarive është 2 herë më i shpejtë se në një mbretëri me shpejtësi normale. Kohëzgjatja e epokës është afërsisht 8 muaj (midis 7 dhe 8 muaj), ndërsa data e përfundimit përcaktohet nga administrata e Imperia Online. Lista më poshtë përfaqëson veçantitë karakteristike dhe akcentet të cilat çdo lojtar në mbretërinë e shpejtë duhet të ketë parasysh gjatë lojës:
- Production х2 – 2 times bigger amount of resources produced on 1 hour and 100 workers basis, namely - 20 wood / 4 iron / 10 stone.
- Gold income x2 – 2 times bigger amount of gold exacted as a tax on 1 hour and 100 workers basis, namely:
- Second level (very low) – +2 gold
- Third level (low) – +4 gold
- Fourth level (medium) – +6 gold
- Fifth level (high) – +8 gold
- Sixth level (very high) – +10 gold
- Population growth x2 – population number increases 2 times faster, but Nomad population limits and Imperian Houses’ capacities stay the same.
- The Happiness is not influenced by the game speed.
- Migration is not affected by the Realm's speed.
- Construction and research times are divided by 2.
- Instant construction is available if just 48 hours are remaining, and the instant research - 12 hours*.
* This is a basic limit. The higher the development, the net worth points and the number of diamonds spent for instant research, the higher the limit gets. - Resource transportation between annexed provinces while under attack takes 10 minutes. In peaceful times, it can be instant.
- Bank interest is limited to 6 000 000 a day.
- Bank loans offer 2 times bigger amounts and the paid off period is 168 hours.
- The paid 10-hour production can be received every 24 hours. The received amount of resources is 2 times bigger than in a normal speed realm because production is x2, but the price remains the same – 1700 diamonds.
- Colonizers travel to the selected colony spot 2 times faster, but colony’s construction time is still 12 hours, no reduction applied.
- Units’ training time is 2 times shorter.
- Units’ speed is 2 times higher.
- Upkeep is multiplied by 2.
- The shortest mission in peaceful times is 20 minutes to active players and 5 minutes to an abandoned empire.
- Traveling between annexed provinces and to an independent province takes 5 minutes while under attack; 2 minutes and 30 seconds while an enemy alliance member is attacking, and can still be instant in peaceful times.
- The cool down period of independent provinces which still have resources is 2 times shorter.
- A province can be pillaged once every 84 hours. 4 pillages can be made by one player every 24 hours.
- Capitulation lasts for 84 hours. Player “x” has the right to capitulate to player “y” solely if in the 24 hours right before the capitulation “y” attacked “x” at least once, and “x” didn’t attack “y”.
- Automatically generated honor is +3 for Diplomacy Officers and 2 for all other players.
- Loyalty status stages are divided by 2, so the respective Happiness and Special bonuses are received at a 2 times earlier stage of the era.
- War duration is 84 hours. But the cool down period between the declaration and the activation of the war remains 8.
- The shortest mission in a war is 10 minutes.
- A province can be pillaged every 42 hours in war.
- The cool down period (attack free) of newly founded/conquered alliance holdings is still 12 hours.
Bëhu Përkthyes!
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